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V. Asha Jyothi
Giridhar Vedantam
Butool Fathima


Wounds are the day-to-day problem which range from simple to complex wounds. This article is mainly reviewed to understand anatomical aspects of skin, healing mechanism of the body role of oxidative stress in the processes of wound healing.


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V. Asha Jyothi, Giridhar Vedantam, Butool Fathima. SUMMARY OF WOUND HEALING ACTIVITY. IJPBCS [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];13(1):6-14. Available from:
Review Articles

How to Cite

V. Asha Jyothi, Giridhar Vedantam, Butool Fathima. SUMMARY OF WOUND HEALING ACTIVITY. IJPBCS [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];13(1):6-14. Available from:


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